Digital Academics

Bossy Software

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Well I am back to work with Adobe Voice. The more I use it, the more I am enjoying the experience of working with the software. I was a little bummed to find that either you cannot add video (or it is not super clear how you go about adding video to the presentation). I’ve gotten past this, though, and am moving along with building my project for LIT 306. My new favorite feature of this app is that it nags you once your audio clip goes beyond 10 seconds. I have not seen if there is a limit that it will place on the length of a clip, but the reminder that it is better to keep things short and sweet and have plenty of cuts from one frame to another is a great thing (especially for me). I have a real love for going on and on and on when I get into a stride with something, but this app is helping me remain mindful of this and keep things short and sweet.


Digital Academics

Progress Report for TOC Response

Well I am going through the process of gathering material for my response to TOC this week. I didn’t have the greatest success using the databases provided by Marylhurst through the Shoen Library site, but I was able to find some good articles through Google Scholar. There were some materials that would have been useful through interlibrary loan through Marylhurst, but due to the length of this assignment, I didn’t have time to wait for these materials to arrive. I just figured out how to capture video from the screen of my wife’s iPad, so I am hoping that I will be able to put together something that is at least visually interesting for this project.

How are things going for everyone else? Are you all going to use Adobe Voice to put your project together? I have been talking to Timothy Merritt and looking at some of the things he has done for New Media classes at Marylhurst. He has been using iMovie. I keep thinking that I am going to stick with voice and see what I can make with that. I just wish that there was an Android version so I could be doing this on a more familiar Android interface.

I’m looking forward to seeing what all of you create for this assignment.


Digital Academics


Hey everyone, I have been working on a new Twine story. It is a non-linear hypertext storytelling platform that has been allowing me to explore a work in a way I never thought would be possible. Click here to take a look as I build the story. Keep in mind that this is a work in progress, so things may change if you visit the story more than once over the next few days.
